Participations aux Awards : Emerging Voices
Fracture | Collaborative Incubator
South Africa
Faced with the growing number of graduate youth unemployment in South Africa and the negative exponential effect it has on the economy a mutualistic space needed to be developed to allow graduated a gateway into the marketplace.
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The mall in this case is a public space set aside for the public to walk. It is a major street used by the public for shopping and recreational activities. It is specifically designed for the downtown commercial and residential area of Sikela in Arba Minch, Ethiopia.
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The isle of Catalysis
Cape Verde
Fairy tales are seen as outside of everyday concerns because they are seen to be unbelievable, disobeying the rules of time and space. Using the concept of a catalysis, the project address créolisation within the Cape Verdean archipelago in the form of a fictional tale.
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Wazi Ukweli Hub
Located at the heart of Kampala is an Innovation Hub for creatives. This hub aims to break the illusion between finished products and process as it pays tribute to the work put in by creatives. With sustainability strategies imbedded in the design, it is a prototype that can be replicated.
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Superdome Ifakara
A decade-long relationship links the rural town of Ifakara in Tanzania with architecture students from Dar es Salaam & Lucerne/Switzerland. "Superdome" is the result of a 2-week international design/build workshop: an innovatively designed, cheap and effective multipurpose hall made of local bricks and teakwood poles.
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Conception d'une ferme à haute performance énergétique
Burkina Faso
Dans l’optique de résoudre un grand nombre de problème qui mine l’Afrique, nous avons voulu proposer un équipement qui permettrait de résoudre plusieurs problèmes à la fois. Notre choix c’est alors porté sur une ferme péri-urbaine écotouristique, à haute performance énergétique.
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Tradition et modernisation dans la conception d'une école à Ganvié
Le bon design et la bonne architecture des écoles favorisent le succès chez les apprenants
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Lamu Museum is a proposed project in Lamu Old Town. The projects is sustainable and uses local building materials found in Lamu Island. Moreover, it enhances conservation of artifacts and endangered marine life. Subsequently, it will attract tourists, scholars and reduce congestion during major cultural events.
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Cote d'ivoire
80 % de ces déchets peuvent être recyclés et réutilisés. Le concept ‘’Avenir Palette’’ repose sur la récolte de toutes les catégories de bois qu’on trouve sur les chantiers de construction pour les traiter et recycler afin de pouvoir les réutiliser dans le domaine la construction.
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Total des voix du People’s Choice: