Highlight project features with the what3words addressing system

what3words is a really simple way to talk about location. It is a global grid of 3mx3m squares where each square has been pre-allocated a fixed and unique 3-word address. This provides an easy-to-use, accurate, and fixed address for every 3m x 3m square in the world.

It is more precise than traditional addresses, simpler than descriptions, and easier to communicate and remember than long strings of GPS coordinates. The system has built-in error detection and is available as a mobile APP for download from the APP store or Google Play. The system works offline without a data connection, ensuring it can be used everywhere.

This multi-award winning system has now been added into the entry form for all projects. Entrants can use its innovative location system to point out features and detail of projects that they wish to bring to the attention of the Master Jury. They can also use its detailed grid to highlight aspects of a project’s context and location that have influenced the design solutions.

As founders of the Africa Architecture Awards, Saint-Gobain, a global manufacturing company with a 350-year-old track record of innovation, is proud to partner with what3words. The opportunity to explore inventive solutions that  respond to the challenges of rapid urbanisation in Africa is one of the objectives of the Awards program. We look forward to seeing entrants use what3words (if they choose to do so as it is optional) to highlight winning features of their work.

How to include a what3word address in your entry:

1) Download the what3words on the App Store or get it on Google Play. You can also access the what3words map online on www.what3words.com2) Locate your project on the what3words map

2) Locate your project on the what3words map3) Type the central what3words address into the Project Details field beneath the GPS

3) Type the central what3words address into the Project Details field beneath the GPS co-ordinates field.4) Explore the what3words grid on your project and enter a specific what3words feature address in the space provided beneath the Project Overview with a description (see example above)5) Remember that all projects entered are published on the Awards website for public voting in the People’s Choice Award. Pinpointing distinguishing aspects of your project could increase the number of votes you receive.

4) Explore the what3words grid on your project and enter a specific what3words feature address in the space provided beneath the Project Overview with a description (see example above)5) Remember that all projects entered are published on the Awards website for public voting in the People’s Choice Award. Pinpointing distinguishing aspects of your project could increase the number of votes you receive.

5) Remember that all projects entered are published on the Awards website for public voting in the People’s Choice Award. Pinpointing distinguishing aspects of your project could increase the number of votes you receive.


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